Variaciones sobre Teoría de la democracia de Giovanni Sartori
PITKIN, H. The concept of representation. California:
Berkeley, s.d., 1967.
PINTO, A. Política y desarrollo. Santiago de Chile: Ed.
Universitaria, 1972.
PLATON. La república.México: UNAM, 1971.
PUTNAM, R. D. The belief of politicians: ideology, conflict
and democracy in Britain and Italy. London: s.d., 1973.
PYE, L. W. Communications and political development.
U.S.A.: Princeton, s.d., 1963.
PYE, L.W. y VERBAS. Political culture and political
development. U.S.A.: Princeton University Press, 1969.
RIBEIRO, Darsy. El dilema de América Latina. México:
Siglo XXI, 1971.
RICHARDSON, Lewis. Arms and insecurity. Chicago:
Quadrangle Press, 1960.
ROBINSON, R. The non-european foundations of
european imperialism: sketch for a theory of collaboration.
London: Longman, 1972.
ROUQUIÉ, Alain. Extremo occidente. Introducción a
América Latina. Bs.As.: Emecé, 1991.
ROSTOW, Walt. Las etapas del crecimiento económico.
México: FCE, 1961
____________. Politics and the stages of growth.
Cambridge: s.d., 1971.