Hot to cold: an odyssey of architectural adaptation
720 H832
Derecho administrativo
Dromi, José Roberto.
344 D786
Shapes: geometric forms in graphic design
741.6 S529s
Modern architecture: a critical history
Frampton, Kenneth.
724 F813I
Algunos pasos hacia una pequeña teoría de lo visible
Berger, John.
824 B496
100 things: every designer needs to know about people
Weinschenk, Susan.
745.4 W424I |
Why materials matter: responsible design for a better world
Solanki, Seetal.
620.11 S684
Theorizing a new agenda for architecture: an anthology of theory architectural 1965-1995
720.1 T396
Ruler & compass: practical geometric constructions
Sutton, Andrew.
516.2 S967