Revista Eutopía, año 2, núm. 4, julio-diciembre de 2017, pp. 3-48, ISSN 2617-037X
A partir de una revisión documental, así como de información primaria
obtenida de los principales actores involucrados en su diseño e
implementación, este artículo examina el diseño y la ejecución del Pinfor
en su contexto sociopolítico, caracteriza su desempeño y analiza las
percepciones de los actores involucrados en su ejecución.
Se concluye que la iniciativa de la Ley Forestal que creó el Pinfor se discutió
entre muy pocos actores y las decisiones fueron tomadas por la coyuntura
del momento político. Asimismo, que la evolución del programa fue incidida
por los sectores representados en la junta directiva del Instituto Nacional
de Bosques (INAB), quienes lo condujeron según sus intereses gremiales.
Palabras claves: bosque, deforestación, desempeño institucional, grupos de
interés, pago por servicios ambientales.
Dynamics of forest policy: genesis and evolution of the Forest
Incentive Program in Guatemala
Deforestation is one of the main causes of climate change, as well as of the loss of
ecosystem services and biodiversity. To combat deforestation, Payments for Environmental
Services (PSA, Spanish acronym) have been proposed as an innovative tool, although
their efficiency is still under discussion.
Guatemala experiences one of the highest rates of deforestation in Latin America.
To address this problem, the Forest Incentives Program (Pinfor) was designed and has
been being implemented as a PSA mechanism as of 1997. Its objective was to create
incentives for the recovery of forest biomass through the establishment of tree plantations
and natural forest management, with the owners of land with forest vocation and with
financing guaranteed from the Guatemalan state for a twenty-year period.
Based on a review of documents, as well as primary research with the main actors
involved in Pinfor’s design and implementation, this article examines Pinfor in its
sociopolitical context, characterizes its performance and analyzes the perceptions of the
actors involved in its execution.