of this theoretical approach is the improvement of market efficiency focused on
the interaction of market and public goods. The method was applied in the fiscal
federalism is positive dynamic (general equilibrium).
The Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O) model (Breton, Scott, and Sinclair, 1997), “which is
the whole theoretical construction concerning trade and production based upon a
difference between countries in their factor endowments, and four hypotheses or
propositions which arise from this model. The H-O model hypo paper that each country
will export products that are intensive in the use of that country’s abundant factor
of production (labor or capital), and will import products that are intensive factor of
production (labor and capital) in the use of the country’s scarce factor of production.”
Kemp and Wan theorem present this proposition related to the formation of custom
unions. “It is consider any competitive world trading equilibrium, with any number
of countries and commodities, and with no restrictions whatever on the tariffs and
other commodity taxes of individual countries, and with costs of transportation fully
recognized. Now let any subset of the countries form a customs union. Ten there
exists a common tariff vector and a system of lump-sum compensatory payments,
involving only members of the union, such that there is an associated tariff-ridden
competitive equilibrium in which each individual, whether a member of the union or
not, is not worse off than before the formation of the union.” (Kemp and Wan, 1976).
“The custom union argument is based on the free-trade point of view, whether
a particular custom union is a move in the right or in the wrong directions depend,
therefore, so far as the argument has as yet been carried, on which of two types of
consequences ensue from that custom union. Where the free trade-creating force is
predominant, one of the members at least must benefit, both may benefit, the two
combined must have a net benefit, and the world at large benefits; but the outside
world loses, in the short-run at least, and can gain in the long-run only as the result
of the general diffusion of the increased prosperity of the custom union. Where the
trade-diverting effect is predominant, one al least of the member countries is bound
to be injured, both maybe injured, the two combined will suffer a net injury, and
there will be injury to the outside world and to the world at large.” (Viner, 1950).
“The second best theory was presented by Lipsey and Lancaster (1997). These
two authors present a deeper study about the custom union theory of Viner
based on the application of a positive dynamic method (general equilibrium) to
explain the custom union effect on the world trade. The contribution of Lipsey and
Lancaster in the custom union theory follows the Paretian optimum which requires
the simultaneous fulfillment of all the optimum conditions based on the general
economic problem of maximization. A function is maximized subject to at least one
constraint, in this case production function and utility function.”