American Economic Review, Canadian Journal of Economics, Econometrica,
Economic History Review, Economic Journal, International Economic Review, Journal
of Economic History, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Political Economy,
Journal of Policy Modeling, Economic Development Journal, Oxford Economic
Papers, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of
Economics and Statistics, Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science,
Journal of Economic Abstracts, Contributions to Canadian Economics, Journal of
Labor Economics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Economic Perspectives,
Publications of the American Economic Association, Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity. Microeconomics and American Economic Association Quarterly.
American Economic Review, Canadian Journal of Economics, Econometrica,
Economic History Review, Economic Journal, International Economic Review, Journal
of Economic History, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Political Economy,
Journal of Policy Modeling, Economic Development Journal, Oxford Economic
Papers, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of
Economics and Statistics, Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science,
Journal of Economic Abstracts, Contributions to Canadian Economics, Journal of
Labor Economics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Economic Perspectives,
Publications of the American Economic Association, Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity, microeconomics and American Economic Association Quarterly.
It includes the basic tariff analysis; cost and benefits of trade; tariff and non-tariff
trade barriers analysis and the new protectionism. (Krugman and Obstfeld, 2000).
The optimal currency areas were introduced by Mundell (1961) and Mckinnon
(1963). “This approach based its study on monetary policy issues (money, markets
for goods, and markets for production factors.) First, we will present the concept of
a currency area defined as an area in which a common currency exists (Mattli, 1999).
Optimal is defined in terms of the ability of an area to achieve both internal balance
(maintenance of full employment and stable internal average price level) and
external balance (maintenance of balanced international payments equilibrium). The
main idea of optimal currency area was developed because of a dilemma between
introducing fixed versus flexible exchange rate. Therefore, Mundell’s argument that
before applying the optimum currency area, it is necessary to ask what economic
characteristics determine the optimum size of the domain of a single currency.”
“The fiscal federalism is an offshoot of public finance theory that analyzes the
special fiscal problems which arise in federal countries, drawing on the literature
on public goods, taxation, income distribution and public debt incidence, and
various parts of location theory” (Mattli,1999). We can observe that this approach
focuses on fiscal policy issues based on the fiscal coordination. The general objective