The study of preferential trade agreements revolves around trade creation and trade
diversion effects. This is partly due to the fact that many economists consider these
effects to be the fundamental dimension for evaluating trade blocks (Devlin and
Efrench-Davis, 1998). However, it is of our view that these models of analysis require
considerable transformation for application in the study of trade liberalization
issues. The core idea presented here is that the study of trade liberalization should
encompass more than one isolated economic or political analysis revolving around
one specific problem.
However, the literature on trade liberalization can be studied from three different
approaches: (i) the political economy approach; (ii) the economic theory approach; (iii)
the trade policy approach. In this part of our research it is important to mention that
work on trade liberalization based on the political economy approach may be grouped
into two large areas of study: free trade
under the laissez faire argument (outward
oriented strategies or export orientation) and protectionism based on infant industry
argument (inward oriented strategies or import substitution industrialization).
Firstly, in the case of the literature on free trade, the idea receives support from
The Wealth of the Nations
by Adam Smith (1776) under the Laissez Fair argument.
In the Wealth of the Nations framework, Adam Smith does not present some
analytical method or model, his contribution is the introduction of a clear theoretical
framework based on a system of clear ideas to generate trade policies to support
the promotion of free trade.
Additionally, the free trade literature in classical economics is based on Smith’s
ideas in terms of theoretical detail through to David Ricardo and its theory of
comparative advantage
. In this section of our research the introduction of the
theory of comparative advantage is considered as a strong analytical method to
study and support the free trade literature. According to Haberler (1952), the theory
of comparative advantage has a strong relationship with opportunity cost theory
The comparative advantage theory is simple and uses the model to understand the
behavior of trading between two countries and two commodities, where each good
uses one production factor either labor or capital or price. Labor is represented by
man-hours and the value of one unit is represented by its wage.
Moreover, in contrast to the idea of free trade is the protectionism literature that
supports the idea regarding the accumulation of treasure; the protection of wealth;
the achievement of a surplus trade; the protection of domestic industries; and
increase of the role of the central government in the economic activity. At the same
time, protectionism literature offers a variety of perspectives based on factors like the
terms of trade argument by Torrens in 1808; Infant Industry Argument by Mill in 1848;
Increasing Returns Argument by Graham in 1920; Wage Difference Argument in 1830
and the general theory of employment, interest, and Money by Keynes in 1936. All
authors’ contributions have a significant influence on the development of new theories
and models of analysis up to today supporting the protection of domestic industry.