eliminate internal tariff and non-tariff barriers but not harmonize external barriers.
Third, is the customs union, which is trying to remove internal barriers and establish
a common external tariff. Fourth, is common markets, which is formed by a customs
unions and where free mobility of labor and capital are eliminated. The fifth phase
is to establish a common currency based on the monetary union. Finally, nations can
form a single state in a confederation (Lawrence, 1996).
The application of the import-substitution industrialization strategy in the case of
developing countries and less developed countries is assumed to help enhance
economic development in these countries. However, disappointing results were
obtained by many countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa in the 1980’s, for
example, in countries in the Central America common market and Caribbean
community. These countries experienced low economic growth, poverty and
political instability.
Hence, the application of the import-substitution industrialization strategy gives rise
to problems, such as imbalanced industrial concentration, high cost of production
such as the non-efficient allocation of factors of production follow by labor and
capital in different production sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, industry
and services, as well as problems relating to bureaucratic negotiations among
different governments. In addition, diplomatic, economic and political influences
from large economies on small economies have always been prevalent under the
import-substitution industrialization strategy.
Open Regionalism
Open regionalism was developed at the end of the 1980’s. Based on trade
liberalization, it uses the export-led oriented or outward oriented model. Contrary
to closed regionalism, open regionalism seeks to eliminate all trade barriers and
non-trade barriers in the same geo-political space based on a minimal government
intervention which is applied to protect domestic industries from foreign competition.
Cable and Henderson (1994) consider open regionalism as a negotiating framework
consistent with and complementary to the world trade organization. The authors cite
the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) as a model of this approach. But, as
they point out, ‘openness’ carries at least two different meanings: openness in terms
of non-exclusivity of membership; openness in terms of contributing economically
to the process of global liberalization than detracting from it through discrimination.
According to this research, there are two reasons for the success of this
new regionalism: (i) World trade organization poor performance in terms of
multilateralism and its incapacity to dissolve trade differences among its members
with the closed regionalism; (ii) United States’ changed position on multilateralism
and the move in its recently trade policy towards open regionalism such as the Trans-
Pacific Partnership (TPP). It can be argued that open regionalism helps to manage