3. Regionalism and Multilateralism
According to Winters (1999) the literature about multilateralism
vs. regionalism
is growing among policy makers, economists and political scientists regarding
the question of whether regional integration arrangements are favorable or non-
favorable for a fair multilateral system. Are regional integration arrangements
“building blocks or stumbling blocks,” in Bhagwati’s (1993b) phrase, or stepping
stones toward multilateralism? Governments, academics and policy makers are
observing the ability of the world trade organization (WTO) to maintain the GATT’s
unsteady yet distinct momentum toward liberalism, and as they contemplate the
emergence of world-scale regional integration arrangements (RIA’s) until our days.
In addition, Professor Baldwin (1999) argues that the WTO’s incapacity to solve trade
differences among its members could be rectified through the expansion of large
number of regional integration agreements (RIA’s) around the world. The Regional
Integration Agreements (RIA’s)
basically is based on two schemes of regional
integration, namely customs union (CU) and free trade areas (FTAs). According to
world trade organization (WTO), the fast growth of RIA’s around the world was
generated between 1948 and 2016 (Figure 1). Around 297 RIA’s existing around the
world were registered in the WTO under different status, and up till 2016, the WTO
had a total of 21 custom unions (7%), 230 free trade areas (77%) and 47 enabling
clause and GATT Art. V
(16%) around the world.
For this reason, Cable and Henderson (1994) present strong claims in favor of
regionalism: that regionalism breaks down economic nationalism and increases
awareness of economic interdependence; that it is a useful laboratory for new
approaches to deeper integration which can be applied multilaterally (in relation,
for example, to product standards, state subsidies, competition policy and dispute
settlement); that it makes negotiation easier by reducing the number of trade
players; and that it encourages the formalization of rules or regulations affecting
international trade, making them more transparent and less discretionary, if not
always more trade freedom.
On the other hand, Bhagwati (1993a), for example, maintain that regionalism keeps
a low motivation and commitment for multilateralism. They have several counter-
arguments against the above favorable claims for regionalism as mentioned earlier
in the regionalism section. These agreements originated from the fast growth in
the number of RIA’s around the world. Further, Krugman (1991) argues in favor of
multilateralism and supports the idea that multilateralism brings more benefits to
international trade than regionalism. In addition, Krugman asserts that if the number
of custom unions and free trade areas keeps growing fasters, then trade welfare in
the world trade will decrease. Another reason for the counter-argument against
regionalism is mentioned by Fernandez (1998). She highlights that there are two
types of trade restrictions are following by hard restrictions and soft restrictions.