migraciones consideradas como causas en sí mismas de nueva migración.
Arribamos a esta tesis mediante un abordaje de las dinámicas migratorias
en los municipios visitados que requirió un doble desplazamiento: desde
los individuos/familias hacia las redes como unidades de análisis –para
desentrañar las dinámicas migratorias actuales, la unidad de análisis no
son los individuos (como en la economía neoclásica) ni las familias (como
en la nueva economía institucional), sino las redes y las comunidades–; y
desde las motivaciones (que son individuales y solamente ofrecen una pista
anecdótica del cambio social) hacia las causalidades que dan cuenta de los
cambios comunitarios, nacionales y transnacionales, porque engarzan las
motivaciones en un constructo más comprehensivo.
Palabras clave: capital social, causalidad acumulativa, ciclo migratorio,
Estados Unidos, guatemaltecos.
Recent migration in Guatemalan western highlands: Networks,
family reunification, and demonstration effect
This paper researches the relatively recent migration (2013-2015) in five villages of
the western highlands of Guatemala, focusing on the destination and motives of the
migration from such areas. The main destination is United States of America not
the south coast, Guatemala City or Mexico. The economic factor continues to have a
considerable influence in the migration to the USA, also, in the decreasing migration to
the south coast and Guatemala City. Income inequality and market failures –especially
the community’s inability to absorb the new high school graduates into their work force–
are still strong conditioning factors for migration. However, this article supports that
the motivations and causes for recent migrations are closely linked to an impulse derived
from the migrations themselves, in other words, migrations are thought as causes of
new migrations. We propose this thesis after approaching the migratory dynamics in the
visited communities from two angles. First, from individuals/families towards networks
as unit of analysis in order to unravel the current migratory dynamics. As mentioned,
the unit of analysis are the networks and communities, not the individuals (as in the
neoclassical economics) nor the families (as in the new institutional economy). Second,
from motivations (that are individual and only offer an anecdotic elements of the social
change) to the causalities that engage motivations in a more comprehensive construct and
account for the community changes, national and transnational.
Revista Eutopía, año 2, núm. 3, enero-junio 2017, pp. 3-42